MTAP General Assembly
For the MTAP members who missed the General Assembly last Monday, November 28, here's what happened:
- The normal program routine: Opening Prayer(Felicita Benavidez0, National Anthem(Narcisa Alacapa), Welcome Remarks, Opening Remarks(Dr. Dick Castillo)
- Election of MTAP Board members (Results to be posted later)
- Group Discussions on the following topics:
misconceptions/misunderstandings/faulty or poor practices/difficulties on math teaching observed in which which they think would improve the achievement of students if properly addressed
issues/topics that could be included in the National Math Conference in Baguio as well as suggested speakers
other activities /projects MTAP can do to improve math achievement or help teachers in their professional development
Convention in September
MTAP Bulletin
- Reports of the group rapporteurs
- Closing Remarks (by yours truly)
There you have it! That's what you missed for not attending, MTAP members!